EpeInstallation of fruit fresh storageHow big is the impact of

announcer:hp632HP195506591 release time:2021-12-27 09:44:38

The exhaust temperature of the compressor equipment is often. When the season changes and the temperature difference changes greatly, pay attention to it. If the machine is abnormal, it needs to be checked in time.

During the use of the goods yard medical cold storage project, the stored goods must be in strict accordance with the relevant regulations. The goods should have a certain distance from the ground and wall of the cold storage. When stacking, the distance between the goods and the goods must be cm. At the same time, the distance between the goods and the cold fan should also be 100 cm. No goods can be stored within this range, This is also an important content in the use of medical cold storage engineering.

Epe.After the installation of the controlled atmosphere storage, the temperature is too low, perhaps because the unit is too large which leads to the rapid decline of the air temperature in the controlled atmosphere storage. However, it can be found that the temperature of the goods is still at a high level, or perhaps because the thermal insulation effect of the controlled atmosphere storage is relatively poor after the installation of the controlled atmosphere storage, then the heat dissipation will be accelerated, This phenomenon may be caused by the poor quality of the selected modified atmosphere storage board. It is suggested that when selecting the modified atmosphere storage board, we must pay attention to its thickness. Only the modified atmosphere storage board with the required thickness can have a certain thermal insulation effect.

Cold storage design steps: selection and preparation of cold storage location. According to the application characteristics, cold storage can be divided into sexual cold storage, factors such as superior geographical location and contact with the market should also be taken into account. The cold storage should be located in a cool place without sunlight and frequent warm air. Small and medium-sized cold storage is better

.Frozen and refrigerated storage began to change to shelf and pallet storage to complete the goods according to & ldquo; First in first out & rdquo; It is conducive to improve the quality of commodity storage and reduce loss.

The cooking materials and foods refrigerated in the quick-frozen warehouse contain a certain amount of fat, protein and starch. The existence of these nutrients will make molds and bacteria multiply and grow in large numbers. In order to do a good job in the hygienic management of cold areas and ensure the refrigeration quality of food and cooking raw materials, it is necessary to carry out the hygienic disinfection of cold areas regularly.

During the use of cold storage, attention shall be paid to the collision and scratch of the storage body to avoid the depression and corrosion of the storage plate, which will seriously reduce the local thermal insulation performance of the storage body.

EpeInstallation of fruit fresh storageHow big is the impact of

Some cold bridge prevention measures shall be taken at the joints between polyurethane insulation boards.

System blowdown: the standby air compressor is used. When the air compressor cannot be solved, the ammonia compressor can be used instead.

Indirect cooling is that the air in the warehouse is pumped into the air cooling device by the blower. The air is absorbed by the evaporation pipe circling in the cooling device, and then sent to the warehouse for cooling. The advantages of air cooling are rapid cooling, uniform temperature in the warehouse, and can bring harmful gases such as carbon oxide out of the warehouse during storage.

Latest consultation.It is built in the room. There shall be excellent drainage pipe standards around the cold storage, the soil temperature shall be low, there shall be interlayer under the cold storage,EpeMedical cold storage scheme, and good natural ventilation shall be maintained. Maintaining dryness is very important for the cold storage. In addition, before the construction of the cold storage, the phase electricity of the relative volume shall be built according to the output power of the refrigeration unit. If the cold storage is water-cooled and radiating, the tap water pipeline shall be paved and the FRP cooling tower shall be built.

The service life of the cold storage depends on the quality of the refrigeration equipment, but it also has a great relationship with the proper daily management and maintenance after the installation of the cold storage. Many times, people often ignore the latter point. In daily life, as long as we maintain and maintain the cold storage regularly, we can greatly improve the service life of the cold storage and reduce the cost.

For the ground insulation of large cold storage, we can that the ground insulation of medium-sized cold storage is more complex than that of small cold storage, and the ground insulation operation of large cold storage with larger warehouse area will be more complex. The common operations are as follows: first lay the ventilation pipe to prevent the ground from freezing drum cracking, then lay the XPS extruded plate (staggered laying is required when laying the extruded plate), then lay the moisture-proof and vapor barrier on the upper and lower sides of the extruded plate, and then make the emery floor or epoxy floor according to the requirements. Among them, the XPS extruded plate is also laid according to the warehouse temperature. For example the XPS extruded plate with thickness of 150 ~ 200mm needs to be laid in the general low-temperature cold storage, while the XPS extruded plate with thickness of 100 ~ 150mm can be laid in the high-temperature cold storage.

EpeInstallation of fruit fresh storageHow big is the impact of

During operation, the water temperature will still drop, and the humidification amount will be reduced by 70% at 5 ℃.

production.The new cold storage material is made of rigid polyurethane or polystyrene foam insulation sandwich panel, which is made by high pressure foaming process and can be made into various lengths and specifications to meet the different requirements of the users.

The general installation of air-conditioned storage will use air coolers for refrigeration. In this case, the temperature of such a controlled atmosphere reservoir may be too low. It is suggested that the unit can adjust the scale a little larger in the process of temperature setting.

Compression refrigerator is commonly used, which is mainly composed of compressor, condenser, throttle valve and evaporation pipe. According to the way of evaporation pipe device, it can be divided into direct cooling and indirect cooling. Direct cooling the evaporation pipe is installed in the refrigerated warehouse. When the liquid coolant passes through the evaporation pipe, it will directly absorb the heat in the warehouse and cool down.

Epe.The cold storage board uses light polyurethane as the inner material of the cold storage board. The advantage of polyurethane is that the thermal insulation performance is very good. The exterior of polyurethane cold storage board is composed of SII, PVC color steel plate and stainless steel plate. The advantage of this is to prevent the temperature transmission of cold storage board due to large internal and external temperature difference, so as to make the cold storage more energy-saving and improve the working efficiency of cold storage.

For cold storage, it is very common in our production and life. Cold storage is very important for food freezing and preservation, but its energy consumption is very large in the use of cold storage. How can we solve this problem?

First use a hammer to pad the wood on the polyurethane warehouse board between the two warehouse boards, so as to make the boards closely close to each other. Two sets of connecting pieces shall be wedged between the wall panel and the wall panel, outer and lower sides of the gap between the wall panel and the wall panel respectively. The lower connecting piece shall be as close as possible to the lower side, so that the post cast concrete can cover the connecting piece. After the gap between the plate and the plate ground is wedged with a connector,EpeHow much is the cold storage for one square meter, it shall be about 3mm wide. If it does not meet the requirements, remove the plate, trim the plate edge, and then reinstall it to make the plate joint meet the requirements. When fixing the adapter,EpeWhere is a large cold storage, pay attention to fix the two parts of the adapter on the edges of the convex and concave library plates respectively, and fix them with rivets. The spacing of the adapter should be able to tension the two library plates. When wedging the wedge iron, the hammer shall be perpendicular to the wedge iron to prevent damaging the warehouse plate. The ground wedge iron at the upper and lower parts shall be wedged at the same time