SmalyavichyWhich cold storage is installedThe off-season effect is obvious, and the price continues to decline

announcer:hp632HP195506591 release time:2021-10-28 09:09:20

First, so as to make the boards closely close to each other. Two sets of connecting pieces shall be wedged between the wall panel and the wall panel, and the two sets of connecting pieces shall be fixed on the upper, outer and lower sides of the gap between the wall panel and the wall panel respectively. The lower connecting piece shall be as close as possible to the lower side, so that the post cast concrete can cover the connecting piece. After the gap between the plate and the plate ground is wedged with a connector, it shall be about 3mm wide. If it does not meet the requirements remove the plate, trim the plate edge, and then reinstall it to make the plate joint meet the requirements. When fixing the adapter, pay attention to fix the two parts of the adapter on the edges of the convex and concave library plates respectively, and fix them with rivets. The spacing of the adapter should be able to tension the two library plates. When wedging the wedge iron, the hammer shall be perpendicular to the wedge iron to prevent damaging the warehouse plate. The ground wedge iron at the upper and lower parts shall be wedged at the same time, and the wedge iron shall be fixed with rivets.

For cold storage,SmalyavichyInstallation of freezer, it is very common in our production and life. Cold storage is very important for food freezing and preservation, but its energy consumption is very large in the use of cold storage. How can we solve this problem?

Smalyavichy.An air duct is generally set in the vegetable cold storage. The air flow from the upper air duct mouth blows to the wall and the lower product line, returns to the middle, is absorbed by the lower part of the evaporator, and the evaporator drains and returns to the air duct again.

Fault phenomenon: fan motor overload, fan deformation; Fan motor fault; Fan motor thermal relay fault (aging); Loose wiring; Cooler blocked; Large exhaust resistance. Fault phenomenon of cold storage: the dryer does not operate, the compressor line is disconnected, the fuse is blown, the thermal relay acts, the high-voltage switch acts, the compressor is locked, the line is falsely connected or loose. Fault phenomenon: it stops in a short time after the drying motor, and the environment

.There is a slight sag on the cold insulation board to prevent damage to the cold storage. When standing on the wall, some soft materials should be laid on the floor of the cold storage tank.

The foaming technology of polyurethane with strong stability makes it have superior bonding performance. The firm combination of polyurethane rigid foam and carrier layer is the basic premise to ensure the stability of external insulation layer. That is, under the unfavorable local temperature and humidity conditions it can bear various internal and external combined loads such as wind force, self weight and normal collision, and the insulation layer still does not separate and fall off from the carrier layer and remains stable in the state.

Judge the operating sound of the compressor, and carefully listen to the operating sound of water pump, cooling tower, compressor, fan and other equipment. In case of abnormal sound, timely warranty is required, so as to avoid greater damage to the compressor due to untimely warranty.

SmalyavichyWhich cold storage is installedThe off-season effect is obvious, and the price continues to decline

It is strictly prohibited to place articles with pollution and peculiar smell around the cold storage. The surrounding environment of the cold storage must be cleaned and disinfected regularly every day, and the door of the cold storage must be locked.

The air conditioning warehouse is equipped with standby power supply. After eliminating the line and load problems, it is the maintenance of external irresistible power lines. If the refrigerated goods in the air conditioning warehouse are expensive or vulnerable to temperature changes, it can be considered to equip the air conditioning warehouse with standby power supply to ensure the operation of refrigeration equipment in the cold storage in a short time after power failure. Large air conditioning warehouses can be considered to be equipped with generator sets, Automatically switch the generator set for power generation after power failure for use. For example, dual mains power can be used.

Generally speaking, the construction of cold storage is to ensure the quality of buildings with its strict heat insulation, sealing, firmness and frost resistance.

project.Various construction materials such as material certificate, test report and stage acceptance record, carefully, timely, accurately and comprehensively reflect the whole process of production and construction,SmalyavichyHow much is the installation of small cold storage, and actively cooperate with the owner in design change and technical negotiation.

These measures have achieved quite good results. Compared with several cold storages at a customer in Jining, the cold storages using their white materials have significantly lower power consumption than those using other white materials.

There are two kinds of refrigeration in the cold storage group: immediate refrigeration and simple refrigeration.

SmalyavichyWhich cold storage is installedThe off-season effect is obvious, and the price continues to decline

First, use a hammer to pad the wood on the polyurethane warehouse board between the two warehouse boards, so as to make the boards closely close to each other. Two sets of connecting pieces shall be wedged between the wall panel and the wall panel, and the two sets of connecting pieces shall be fixed on the upper, outer and lower sides of the gap between the wall panel and the wall panel respectively. The lower connecting piece shall be as close as possible to the lower side, so that the post cast concrete can cover the connecting piece. After the gap between the plate and the plate ground is wedged with a connector, it shall be about 3mm wide. If it does not meet the requirements, remove the plate,SmalyavichyQuotation and installation of cold storage, trim the plate edge, and fix them with rivets. The spacing of the adapter should be able to tension the two library plates. When wedging the wedge iron pay attention to fix the two parts of the adapter on the edges of the convex and concave library plates respectively, the hammer shall be perpendicular to the wedge iron to prevent damaging the warehouse plate. The ground wedge iron at the upper and lower parts shall be wedged at the same time, and the wedge iron shall be fixed with rivets.

Welcome calls .The exhaust temperature of the compressor equipment is often. When the season changes and the temperature difference changes greatly, pay attention to it. If the machine is abnormal, it needs to be checked in time.

The selection of refrigeration unit is carried out in the refrigeration equipment of cold storage. According to the heat consumption of production scale and considering the necessary conditions of main refrigeration parameters, the number and total number of refrigeration units and cold storage mechanical equipment are equipped.

Suggestions on the quantity of polyurethane cold storage insulation materials: cold storage investment is a long-term and profitable investment. A high quantity of hair can certainly reduce the initial investment, but it is necessary to grasp a certain limit and comprehensively consider the long-term energy consumption and initial investment, because the insulation effect of polyurethane cold storage insulation materials has a parabolic linear correlation with its bulk weight; A large number of studies have shown that the foam bulk density has better thermal insulation performance at 33~35 kg / cubic meter. Therefore, it is usually recommended that the number of thermostat refrigeratory outlets should be 22~23 square / ton.

Smalyavichy.There are many kinds of cold storage. According to the material, stainless steel plate and salted steel. Among them, color steel plate has strong anti rust ability, but stainless steel plate has strong anti rust ability, while salted steel has both beautiful appearance and anti rust ability. According to the layout, it is divided into flat plate and wave plate. The former is flat after the surface material is formed, and the latter is rugged after the surface material is formed. According to the thickness and color of surface materials, the thickness of stainless steel is 0.5mm and 0mm, without color requirements; The thickness of salted steel plate is 0.5mm, without color requirements; The thickness of PE paint baking board is 0.5mm 0.8mm ivory white, titanium white and white gray. The most important thing for the cold storage is the applicable temperature of the cold storage. It is divided according to the insulation thickness of the storage plate. The thickness of the sky floor of the 150 mm storage plate is 150 mm, and the thickness of the vertical plate is 160 mm and 100 mm, which is suitable for the thermal insulation conditions of 0 ℃ ~ - 25 ℃. The thickness of the ceiling plate and the vertical plate of 60mm storage plate is 60mm, which is suitable for the thermal insulation conditions above 0 ℃. In fact, there are many other classification methods of cold storage. Determined by the current processing technology, it can be divided into standard plate and non-standard plate according to the width and size range of warehouse plate, including standard plate vertical plate width wa = 900mm, heaven and earth plate width WB = 980mm, vertical angle plate W1 = 790mm, W2 = 840mm, W3 = 740mm and W4 = 880. The dimensions of non-standard plates are different from those of Wa, WB and W4.

Compression refrigerator is commonly used. It is mainly composed of compressor, condenser, throttle valve and evaporation pipe. The evaporation pipe is installed in the refrigeration warehouse. When the liquid coolant passes through the evaporation pipe, it directly absorbs the heat in the warehouse and cools down.

All wiring shall be neat. All switches and keys shall be opened and closed sensitively, reliably and accurately. Special connectors shall be used for wiring